Priyadharshan Ravichandran image

Web developer based in India, experienced in frontend tech Next js, React, CSR, SSR. Interested in talks about frontend, Mono Repos and System Design. I am a Member of Technical Staff (MTS) in DevRev, specializing in frontend development. with a focus on creating seamless and captivating user interfaces and functional web experiences.

I have worked in Spring boot, hibernate and Jax-rs for the backend and I'm proficient in java. I also have a keen interest in competitive programming and web3.



QuoteAway- Full stack web application

QuoteAway is a social media website designed for users to share their quotes and read quotes from others. QuoteAway is 100% built from scratch. The website allows user to create an account and maintain their list of quotes and their profile. Other quotes on the platform appear on the home feed.

Tech Stack

React, Spring boot, MySQL, Spring data JPA

Note: The hosted application unfortunately had to be taken down owing to the changes in Heroku free tier policy. The code is available on Github.



Love to work with Next js and React. I've developed multiple (CSR, SSR) applications.I have experience with nx mono repos.


Worked in Spring boot and Jax-rs frameworks along with MySQL and Junit tests for RESTful API development


I have used github for version control and experienced with github workflow.I have experience with CI/CD using Circle CI.


C++: 80
Java: 90
Spring, Jax-rs: 75
Javascript: 90
React js: 90
Html, Css: 95
SQL, MongoDB: 70